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Friday, December 9, 2011

SwaggShitt shirts

New SwaggShitt t shirts to support my blog and swagg itself. !0 dollars a peice. !2 if Delivered by me and 20 if mailed. Email me if you want one :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Off the swagg charts

Swagg people

 Big Sean. Ever since the song i do it i realized how much swagg you have. not quite t mills but its up there. congrats on the high swagg levels bro.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fresh shitt

T mills

 Travis mills youre fucking fresh. this site should be yours cause youre swagg is too fucking high. So from swaggshit to T mills... Congrats on the high swagg levels bro.


 Multi color headbands are definitely fresh.

Swagg beverages

 If Swagg had a taste it would definitely be the taste of energy. Rockstar, Monster, Redbull, anything of the like. so stay with the swagg flow and go get one.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

swagg times

 Going outside to smoke a cigarette in the middle of winter in basketball shorts with some great friends is super fresh. =D

fresh peope swagg

 We all know energy drink heaven the blog. well you should and if you dont his link is on my page. He's a close friend of mine and his dad is probably the freshest person ever. Real quote from his dad " a man only needs 3 things in life son, food, water, and sex. so this post is for him. Congrats on the high swagg levels bro.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


 Music. Ghetto music mixed with screams is probably the freshest kind of music. DotDotCurve:), BrokenCyde, Nitro. Dubstep is also extra fucking swagg filled. Datsik, Rusko, Caspa, Chrispy. Not to mention dethcore. Bring me the Horizon, Suicide silence, Chelsea grin. All are super swagg maxed.


 Speak. Having swagg has alot to do with the way you talk and how often you use these key words. Fresh, Swagg, B.A., Flowseidon, Bro, and of course Brutal. If you can use every on of those words over 3 or 4 times a day than you're doing okay.


 Tattoos. Theres is nothing fresher than having the word swagg tattooed on you. The only way to possibly have more swagg respect than that is to also have the word fresh tattooed on you along with swagg. And yes that is actually my wrist.

#3 element

Peircings. To be in the upper rungs of swagg you are pretty much required to have at least 1 lip piercing. or facial piercing. But to have higher swagg I would recommend having snake bites gauges above 00 and prefferably a nose ring.

2nd swagg element

 Shoes. High tops, sky tops, or vans cali cut. You cant have swagg without them. To be dumb ass high on the swagg charts you need a pair of supras vans or reebok high tops with wings.

1st most important swagg element

 Skinny jeans. Any type of pants other than skinny jeans are pretty much the same as saying "i have no swagg". no one needs that much ankle room anyways. I dont mean super tight girl pants. I mean rude styled skinny jeans always promptly kept at a sagging stature. Not pulled up like a woman.