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Friday, December 9, 2011

SwaggShitt shirts

New SwaggShitt t shirts to support my blog and swagg itself. !0 dollars a peice. !2 if Delivered by me and 20 if mailed. Email me if you want one :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Off the swagg charts

Swagg people

 Big Sean. Ever since the song i do it i realized how much swagg you have. not quite t mills but its up there. congrats on the high swagg levels bro.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fresh shitt

T mills

 Travis mills youre fucking fresh. this site should be yours cause youre swagg is too fucking high. So from swaggshit to T mills... Congrats on the high swagg levels bro.


 Multi color headbands are definitely fresh.

Swagg beverages

 If Swagg had a taste it would definitely be the taste of energy. Rockstar, Monster, Redbull, anything of the like. so stay with the swagg flow and go get one.